Thursday, May 1, 2008


Somebody once said, "Good friends don't go away that easy".I wonder if that really is true.Do true friends really exist.Is this a hypothetical concept or is there any truth to the statement.In today's world where time is fleeter than the wind, nobody has the time for anyone.We seem to wake up, do our odd jobs, eat, complete our odds and ends and sleep.

Now if you were me,you'd wake up on the wrong side of your bed,get one of those funny outfits on, gobble up quick breakfast(just a li' about wanting to be all skin and bones) and leave to a place where you live and breathe things like "both the three of you,get out!!", "open the window and let the air force enter", "i said to sit you", "om yayjent and foryen yayjent"(om yayjent=home agent,figure the other one out yourself) and a lot lot more.Compiling all of them would fill many a pages.In this very place you find a few souls who come and become a big part of your life.The one's who keep a high profile always have a few around them but if you were like me, you'd always wonder if true friendship really exists and have just about a few who stick by and listen to your hogwash.I kept wondering and wondering for a long long time about the "true friendship" concept till one day when i decided to kiss the thought good bye.The next day, I thought again(talk about bad resolutions) and the very next moment something struck me,much like a lightning.In fact, this was stronger than a lightning.I was Knocked to my heels.Twas a sudden refreshingly surprising realization.How could i be so stupid!!!! My buddies had always termed me as dumb(never really wanted to believe it,haven't knuckled down to doing so now either,the "sportive" tag keeps me going) but this was too much of a blow.I was convinced.I didn't know it all.I'm going to be a learner till my very last breath.

Coming back to the thought that struck me hard..REAL HARD!! "True friends do exist". The best part being that all of us have the same true friend.At first i ended up being a little possessive.My best buddy is every body's best buddy.Grrrrr..One of my negative qualities that i will never mention at any interview while applying for a job.(Bad temper and possessiveness).Well,He's with me all the time,takes care of me 24\7, lends a shoulder to cry on, is the one I can blindly turn to when i don't know which way to turn and yeah, He's always there when i need someone to give a high five!The thought of loneliness now seldom strikes me.The feeling of having someone special is no more important.It wouldn't shake me if i knew human beings have gone extinct and I'm the last survivor.He is with me...Every single moment.Its amazing the way he knows it all even before i tell him.The way he provides instant solutions to all my problems in life is incredible.He is my saviour.

I have come to realize that nobody will truly be there for you at the end of it all.Sometimes,i do get a little lucky and find a few by my side but in the long run I know we are all alone with this true friend of ours.He will show us the way and lead us and help us find His purpose in our lives. Only if we truly believe.......

On a lighter note,in this place that i talked about initially, where obscure lectures makes one go off the deep end lies a beautiful world..A world where young minds meet and share not so smart talks.A beautiful place where scribs like me figure out that TRUE FRIENDS DO EXIST!!


Unullmass said...

A very deep and insightful beginning of your journey into the blogosphere!

Please never change the title!

It makes for perfect no-sense even without the 'n'!

Unullmass said...

And yes, one more thing, friends are friends.

Let them go, if you love them.

If you want to love them, let them go.

Archana said...

First things first...big high 5 on stepping into the blogosphere! :)
Good post with a decent mix of comic instances and some serious on gal!

saran said...

Made me think... now thts an achievement... nice blog.. felt like i was reading my own thoughts...

Vivek Abraham said...

heh...he hah.... ha ha ha ha...ho ho ha!.....tee hee.....chuckle!



scribbu has gone bonkers, our happy go lucky menace has gone all aristotlish!....

Vivek Abraham said...

All i read the post, as you brought in the suspense, i was expecting to read my name at the end of it all...


Mr God, as usual, has to have it all, in my 19 years i managed to make one good friend and NO! i cant have her all to myself, i must sharefy with the creator....


Vivek Abraham said...

much wisdom from a 16 year old, the couple of white strands that sprouted on your head has made all the difference....WOW!

but seriously scrib, you have realised much in a short time, most of us know that god's there but putting it into writing certainly means that this has sunk in deeper in your heart than ours!

Vivek Abraham said...

i must say....

its straight from the heart, in fan tongue,with fan phrases, looking forward to more insight from the tosh mistress!!

great going...

Saketkumar Srivastav said...

u really have not come across true friendship, u donno what is friendship. sounds rude but i ve written it so plz think over it before asking it. plz try to live in reality.

doggyears said...

That's one realisation we all have to make......Hi-Fi....You've almost come to terms with the reason of your existence...!

Brought a smile on my face.....

Alleluia "Friend" !!!!

(Some evangelisation happening here !)

Ambarish said...

Perfect Post!!! It made me think and realise about a lot of things. :)

Ambarish said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ambarish said...

Mr truth!!!!!!!! I dont agree with your comments!! I dont think there is anythin unrealistic....

Mayb Mr Truth u need to live in reality. Or mayb ur a real lucky person to have understood "TRUE FRIENDSHIP"!!! Do make me also understand!! :)

Unknown said...

After reading this i was wondering, how could some explain the bitter fact of the life, so beautifully, yes true frnd does not exist. but we never still ideal too. we will search and fight till the end in till we meet one... (like the thristy person searches for water in the desert, he do find the shining water, when he goes near he just find sand,
he may find many betrayal on this path, but one day finally he ends up in reaching the water(oasis).)
true friends are hard to find. But i can assure you, they do exist.
I am a true friend to someone

bernie said...

WOAH!! makes me ponder...!!strong words..

great going gal!
write on!!

bernie said...

yeah one bestest bestest bestest friend ever whom u can share just anything with..its great to know Him..

one thought pricked me do i always keep in touch with him or is it only when i face obstacles...

this post makes me think...
great going buddy!!

Saketkumar Srivastav said...

mr. ambarish u don no me so lz don teach to live in reality. i ve experienced reality than a normal person can ever imagine. so plz thionk before u write. she knows me thats y she didnt say anything to me

Zeddy said...

finally! u've entered the blog world and now we have a portal into your mind :)

really nice post fan. fiendship is a very tricky business.
although you're very lucky to have a big bro(broi as u would like to call me). everyone looks upto him as much as they look upto Him.

keep it goin! waiting to

Karan said...

Mr.Truth, how do you define reality?

Fan, great post.. Maybe you could be, to somebody else and not expect.. So we have two ppl now who can be true friends.. God and Fan!! :-)

Uday said...

hey....a very nice post is meaningful and is true.....must always trust Him.... many of us need him only when we are in need of something or when we are in trouble...its bad.... I'm sure this post will make a lot of people realise a lot of things....nice post...eeeee...welcome to the blogosphere!!!


phewwwww wat a post wat a stry hats off to yaar.2day i dont have much 2 say no words for it i really think u can publish ur books.Where do u get all the thoughts frm bt i think these r all ur personnel experiences are'nt they anyways u have done a brilliant job writing this.well there is 1 advice for u its ur choice u wanna follow it-


rest is upto u AS U SAID LIFE GOES ON.

Sandip Mondal said...

I understand the war being fought in your mind. In search of a force or mere bones you call 'the true friend', you died a brutal death. Blindfolded yourself with a complex idea called 'God', you lost the real friend in you. Manifest in yourself the peace and serenity of the most powerful but mortal being on Earth, it is you, find your friend.